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Official Letters


Official Letters

If you are a currently registered student and not yet graduated, then you can request a letter free of charge from your School Office.

The Student Records Shop can provide letters confirming details of your study with Edinburgh Napier University.

We can provide letters confirming your programme of study, start and end dates, if any award was received and the date of your graduation if applicable.

All letters are issued on Edinburgh Napier University headed paper and signed by a member of the Student Administration team. Paper copies can also be stamped with the University Seal. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].

Official Letters


Official Letter - Paper copy



Delivery Information:
Shipping within the UK is by First Class post.
Shipping both within and outside the EU is via DHL courier service and delivery time will vary depending on the destination.

Postage costs are:
First Class within the UK £5
Courier within EU £15
Courier outside EU £25

If you have any questions or queries regarding the Student Records Shop, please contact [email protected].
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Official Letter - PDF copy



Payment options

1 PDF copy for £10

If you have any questions or queries regarding the Student Records Shop, please contact [email protected].
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