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Transport Policy - £820




This is compulsory on MSc Transport Planning and Engineering.
This module runs in every trimester 3 (May) only.
This module fee is for UK & ROI fee payers only.


Detailed Description

The module starts by considering the process of policy making and who is responsible for transport policy e.g. supranational, central and local government structures and the role of the private sector. Problems and trends in transport demand and an introduction to policy perspectives; economic instruments in transport; taxes and subsidies, funding mechanisms, road pricing; direct regulation of street space); Land use planning and the management of transport demand; evolution of road and rail networks; rural transport policy; parking policy; town-friendly traffic planning; green commuter plans; “Smarter Choices” behavioural change measures, the mobility impaired in transport policy.Implementation and evaluation of transport policy. Case studies of transport policy and planning approaches in various International cities.

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