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Leadership and Collaborative Working in Public Health - £885




This is compulsory for MA Public Health.
This module runs in every trimester 3 (May) only.
This module is for UK & ROI fee payers only.


Detailed Description

This module aims to enhance student knowledge and understanding in relation to the theories and models of leadership and management relevant to public health. Students will explore theories of leadership, collaboration and partnership and their implications for health improvement in public health settings. Different public health contexts including community development, health promoting projects, health services and emergency planning will be explored. Students will reflect on their learning needs in relation to skills for collaborative leadership for service improvement. Students will also critically consider other models for planning, implementing, leading and evaluating public health projects in a range of contexts.

The module will include the following content:
• Theories and models of leadership, management, and collaborative working • Differing contexts within public health leadership such as community development, health promotion projects, working with health services and other agencies and emergency planning
• The challenges and benefits of working with stakeholders such as service users, community groups and policy makers when leading public health initiatives
• Models and frameworks for public health implementation
• Negotiation and influencing skills
• Professional boundaries and identities and implications for inter-professional and inter agency working in public health.

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