This is compulsory on MA Writing Genre Fiction.
This module runs in every trimester 3 (May) only.
This module fee is for UK & ROI fee payers only.
Detailed Description
In this module you will work independently on a project or on projects of your own, supported by one-to-one mentoring. The focus here is on your creative development, so it's time to take risks, be ambitious, and push the boundaries of your process and practice.
At the beginning of this module you'll attend a detailed induction. You'll then work with your mentor to craft a Learning Agreement that defines the purpose and goals of the work you intend to pursue. With your Learning Agreement in place, you'll embark on a journey of structured, self-directed creative development, supported by three one-to-one editorial mentoring meetings across the trimester, each lasting an hour. All the meetings will be documented and you'll receive written feedback on your progress after each meeting. At the end, you'll reflect on your learning and development, and decide on your future goals.