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Healthy Lives - £900




This is compulsory on BSc Nursing Studies.
This module runs in every trimester 2 (January) only.
This module is for UK & ROI fee payers only.


Detailed Description

This module will provide you with the opportunity to learn about health promotion within the general population and within and through the nursing workforce. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve their health.

The module will focus on the factors that influence health, including (but not limited to): sexuality and sexual practices; spirituality; psychological factors, loss & bereavement; mental health and wellbeing; environmental factors; cultural factors; food and diet; exercise (effects / lack of); smoking, alcohol and substance use. You will explore the main issues and priorities for public health globally and within your national and local context that may include: communicable disease, ageing population, obesity, sexual health, mental health, drug & alcohol use; screening programmes (e.g. breast, cervical and bowel cancer); resource allocation and the implications for nursing and workforce health.

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