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Exploring the Theory and Application of Law & Ethical Reasoning in Nursing Practice - £900




This is compulsory on BSc Nursing Studies.
This module runs in every trimester 3 (May) only.
This module is for UK & ROI fee payers only.


Detailed Description

This module aims to support you to deliver competent, safe and professionally accountable, autonomous nursing practice by exploring everyday clinical situations that involve challenging ethical and legal issues. It will support you in upholding global codes of ethics for Nurses by enhancing your knowledge and skills and extending your understanding of ethical theory and relevant legislation.

You will consider the relevance of the law, specific healthcare legislation and ethical reasoning principles, values and behaviours to supporting professional nursing practice. You will explore potential challenges and opportunities of continuing to develop professional integrity, self-awareness and reflective practice in your nursing care.You will explore the influence of healthcare legislation and application of ethical practice in relation to cultures, sub-cultures and the wider society. You will consider their impact on health and well-being, and explore mechanisms for supporting cultural sensitivity and diversity in all aspects of patient care in a way that reflects respect, compassion and dignity. This will be achieved by exploring specific examples of legislation, and examine the implications and impact that these may have on ethical healthcare practice.

You will be encouraged to reflect on your personal ethical framework and values and how these may influence your approach to care for patients from a broad spectrum of social and cultural backgrounds. You will consider your role as patient advocate, as well as how your self-regulation, behaviour, knowledge, skills and understanding can help enhance and protect public safety.

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