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Traffic Engineering Design - £855




This is compulsory on MSc Transport Planning and Engineering.
This module runs every trimester 1 (September).
This module fee is for UK and ROI fee payers only.


Detailed Description

Road Network Operations – introduction to traffic flow, user characteristics, data collection, forecasting,
and capacity.
Highway Geometric Design Considerations – highway link design, including design speed, crosssections, sight, and overtaking distances.
Highway Geometric Alignment Design – design of horizontal and vertical road alignment.
Intersections – general junction design principles and analysis of priority junctions.
Roundabouts – types of roundabouts, layout design and capacity analysis.
Introduction to Traffic Signal Control – principles of traffic signal control including
saturation flows, stages, phases, cycle times and green times.
Basic Isolated Traffic Signal Design – design of layouts and calculation of signal timings. Advanced
Isolated Traffic Signal Design.
Linked Traffic Signal Design - signal coordination, urban traffic control systems.
Intelligent transportation and urban traffic control systems for road network operations.


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