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Contemporary Issues In Strategic Management - £1345




This module is only available for students following the general MBA. You cannot take this module if you are studying an MBA with a specialism.

This module is compulsory.
This module runs in every trimester 1 (September).
This module is for UK & ROI fee payers only.


Detailed Description

This module is only available for students following the general MBA. You cannot take this module if you are studying an MBA with a specialism.

This module explores in detail the various stages which organisations go through when formulating strategic plans, including analysis of the external environment, industry and competitors; evaluation of internal resources, capabilities and core competencies; review of strategy across organisational levels (e.g. at the business level, corporate level etc.); planning of the way strategy must be adapted when it is taken to the international level; and examination of ways to develop and achieve strategic plans through mergers and acquisitions, alliances and other joint ventures. This module also examines how strategies can be successfully implemented and executed, and the forces which can shape this process including: structure, culture and change.



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