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Authorship - £945




This is compulsory on MA Writing Genre Fiction.
This module runs every trimester 1 (September).
This module fee is for UK and ROI fee payers only.


Detailed Description

The purpose of this module is to examine the changing role of the author over the years, as well as the realities of authorship in the 21st century. Throughout the trimester, you will develop your understanding of yourself as an author and of your place within the industry as a whole. You will do this by undertaking original research within a specific area of the publishing industry, and by defining how you might disrupt or invigorate it. You will begin by exploring the areas of professional practice that many authors pursue alongside their writing in order to build sustainable careers. These include teaching creative writing, self-publishing, digital platforms, community engagement, and live events. After selecting an area of professional practice to investigate further, you will decide upon a research question; carry out practical research; investigate relevant theory texts; and submit your findings in the form of a research essay. You will then be required to present concept documents for use within your chosen professional practice areas, describing problems you have identified and proposing potential solutions.

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