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Transport and Traffic Models - £835




This is compulsory on MSc Transport Planning and Engineering.
This module runs in every trimester 3 (May) only.
This module fee is for Overseas fee payers only.


Detailed Description

The module is divided into three parts including a total of 14 units. The contents of these units are as follows:

Part 1: Introduction to transport planning and modelling. This section includes introduction to transport planning and modelling and data collection.

Part 2: Transport and Traffic Models. This section includes trip generation techniques; trip distribution modelling (growth factor and synthetic techniques); modal choice modelling, Traffic flow theory, Microscopic simulation models, Random models of traffic and queuing models.

Part 3: Assignment and Route Choice Models. This part includes route choice studies; traffic assignment models (including capacity restrained and stochastic methods); elastic demand methods; matrix estimation. Overview of currently used transport modelling software.

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