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Project Appraisal and Finance - £835




This is compulsory on MSc Construction Project Management.
This module runs in every trimester 2 (January) only.
This module fee is for Overseas fee payers only.


Detailed Description

Project life cycle. Feasibility Studies. Techniques of Economic Project Appraisal. Required Rates of Return on Project Investments. The Capital Asset Pricing Model. Identifying and Valuing Options. Cost Benefit Analysis of Public Sector Projects. Multi-criteria Analysis. International Capital Budgeting. Projects and Environmental Effects.

Project Finance. Domestic and International Financial Institutions. Multilateral Agencies. Financial Instruments. Syndicated Lending. Bonds. Financial Engineering. Derivative Products. Financial Options, futures and swaps. Costs of Raising Project Finance. Financing Infrastructure in Emerging Markets. Financing PFI/PPP Projects. Case Studies.

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