The aim of this module is to provide you with the knowledge, understanding, and practice of modern software delivery. The module focuses on the theory and practice of DevOps – the combination of software development and software operations. This integration focuses on continuous delivery and improvement of the software development process through modern tools and practices, combining agile methods and lean concepts. The module is very process based and although it requires the development and delivery of a software product, it is the process of development and delivery that will be examined.The module consists of a series of workshops focused on the methods to support the DevOps pipeline. These are:• Version control and workflow.• Continuous integration and delivery.• Requirements and issue tracking.• Task management using Kanban and pull-based scheduling.• UML and Model-Driven Development.• Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development.• Deployment.• Bug reporting and tracking.• Ethics, professionalism, and security.
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